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Legal Notice



Prof. Dr. Tim Klucken

Legal professional designation:

Certified Psychologist; awarded by the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Gießen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Licensed as a psychological psychotherapist; awarded by the Hessian State Examination Office for Health Professions, Frankfurt, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Betriebsstättennummer: 187469800

Institutionskennzeichen: 490505237

Associated chamber and supervisory authority for all psychological psychotherapists listed here: 

Psychotherapeutenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen
Willstätterstraße 10
40549 Düsseldorf


Associated supervisory authority/district government (approval law):

Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstraße 1
59821 Arnsberg

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